Social Media Awareness & Parenting the Digital World

We are excited to share the attached invitation to our upcoming Social Media Awareness and Parenting the Digital World event being held on Wednesday, September 26th at Campus Regina Public, starting at 7:00 p.m.  Regina Public Schools is proud to sponsor this event which is being presented by Safer Schools Together.

The parent presentation will focus on all things digital. Your child has now entered into their digital media lives, where cell phone ownership doubles, video game use explodes and they dive into the world of social media and hypertexting. Your child is rapidly developing their personal identity with cell phone in hand and you need to be prepared. Family rules, parental controls and developing a family tech plan will be outlined as well as recommendations for monitoring your teen’s digital life.   As a parent, you must lead the charge as a digital role model and help your child develop a strong digital citizenship foundation while reminding them that their digital footprint is a reflection of their real and online selves. At this age, they will encounter situations that will challenge their independence, including cyberbullying (and more commonly – cyberexclusion), the dangers of anonymity, privacy, sharing intimate images, and inappropriate websites, and you need to be there to provide support and guidance during this critical period. Finally, to better equip you for your digital parenting strategy, a snapshot of the current trends and concerning apps will be provided.

To RSVP your attendance for this event, please email by Friday, September 21, 2018. Limited seating is available.

Please feel free to share this invitation with your committee members and parents.  Everyone is welcome!

Principal's Message

I would just like to take a moment to thank the students, staff and community for the past four months.  Everyone has been so welcoming and supportive as I transitioned to Ruth Pawson as your Principal.   When I walked through the doors on the first day, I could sense the commitment to each other and the positive vibe that promoted a culture of belonging.   Over the past four months there are many things I have discovered about Ruth Pawson School.

  • The staff is extremely dedicated to students’ learning.  Each and every day they take into consideration student needs and provide them with a learning environment that allows student learning to flourish.
  • The students at Ruth Pawson School are very supportive and kind to each other and their teachers. They are dedicated to learning and strive to be the best they can be.
  • The SCC and families are very committed to their children and their learning.  On a daily basis they are supportive of Ruth Pawson Staff.  They instill the importance of education in their children and ensure their children attend school regularly.  
  • On a consistent basis there is celebration of who we are and all that we have accomplished.  It truly is a positive place to be. 

I want to thank you all for the past four month.  You have all made this a memorable experience.

I look forward to being your Principal for the 2018-2019 school year.  I wish you all a fantastic summer break full of laughter, relaxation and rest. 


Kim Markwart


Ruth Pawson School

Ruth Pawson SCC

The staff and students at Ruth Pawson School would like to thank our SCC for a providing us with a wonderful Farewell BBQ.  We would also like to say thank you for all your contributions during the 2017-2018 school year.  We look forward to working together with you in the upcoming year! Have a well deserved fantastic summer!


To Be Completed by Parent or Gaurdian: (Please PRINT Clearly)


Name of Student:_______________________________________________________________________

School (2018/19):_______________________________________________  Grade (2018/19):________

Parent/Gaurdian Name:_________________________________________________________________

Address:_______________________________________________________  Postal Code:____________

Parent Telephone: (home)__________________  (work)_________________  (cell)_________________

Parents Email Address(s) (will be added to the band email list to receive band updates, notes, reminder):



Instrument:______________________________      Second Choice for Gr. 6 Only____________________

Please Check One:

_______ I am able to provide an instrument for my child.  (Instruments can be rented through St. John’s Music or Long & McQuade Music.)

_______ My child has chosen an instrument that is rented through the school board.  These instruments included: Tuba, Baritone, Bass Clarinet, Baritone Saxophone and French Horn.  I am able to pay the yearly $150 instrument rental fee, issued in September 2018.

_______ I need help getting an instrument for my child.  I would like to be contacted by the band teachers for other options.

The annual band fee of $50 for Full Band transportation is payable in the Fall of 2018.  Payments can be made from Septmeber 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018.  Please use the perfered online payment method.  Cheques payable to your child’s school or cash will be accepted.  Refunds will only be granted before October 31, 2018 and will be adjusted for services provided.

Will you use the online payment system for transpotation fee in Sept. 2018:  _____Yes   _____No


Parent Signature:_______________________________________________Date:___________________



To Be Completed By Band Teacher

Payment Method: _____ Online                _____ Cheque                  _____Cash              _____Equity
