Pawson Players
Did you know that...
- Ruth Pawson School now has an extracurricular theatre troupe for students in Grade 5 - 8?
- our theatre troupe is called the "Pawson Players" and included actors and stage crew, and is directed by Mrs. C. Lelliottt, our Arts Education Specialist Teacher?
- the Pawson Christmas concert held at Thom Collegiate on December 21st will look different this year because, in addition to Kindergarten to Grade 5 classes singing, the Pawson Players are performing their first play?
- our Pawson Players' first performance will be the play called A Christmas Scarol, written by Don Zolidis, on December 21st?
- in order to stage a play, we have to purchase scripts (approximate cost of $12.00 each) and also pay performance royalties?
- we will have a silver collection basket at the performance on December 21st to help us offset these costs?
Information about our upcoming performance of A Christmas Scarol:
"When Tim can't think of a Christmas gift to get his high maintenance girlfriend, he's visited by four terrifying spirits (actually five - they've been hiring) who whisk him away on a harrowing and hilarious journey into the past, present and future, and an alternate timeline. This wild and free-spirited adaptation of the holiday classic is a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas."
The cast of 24 characters is played by 14 Pawson Players actors, who look forward to performing for you!