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Return to School Handbook

September 1, 2020 -- Regina Public Schools families can now read most details about returning to school in one document. The Return to School Parent/Caregiver Handbook includes all the information school families may need to know about school in September and beyond.

The handbook includes:

- Safety precaution details and what the schools and learning will be like in the coming school year

- Transportation

- Curriculum, instruction and assessment for Kindergarten to Grade 12

- Support Services information for students with intensive needs

- Program information for the 2020-21 school year

- Facilities disinfecting and cleaning information

This handbook details school division-wide information. Parents and caregivers are reminded to always contact their schools and high schools directly for specific information about those schools. This handbook is subject to change, pending direction from the Government of Saskatchewan and local and provincial health authorities.

The Return to School Parent/Caregiver Handbook is available here.

For a return-to-school safety plan infographic, follow this link.

Follow this link for more specific details about the Regina Public Schools Fall 2020 School Reopening Plan.

Stay Safe; Keep Everyone Safe!

SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 -- Before school, check for symptoms. If not feeling well, stay home and call 811. Use the SHA online self-assessment tool. Please contact school if student will be away. Remember that students with any cold or flu-like symptoms should not return to school until they have been symptom free for 48 hours.

See the Regina Public Schools’ Return-to-School Safety Plan infographic and read the Return-to-School Parent/Caregiver Handbook.

COVID Alert App

SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 -- With the fall weather moving Canadians indoors, it's important that all tools be used to fight the spread of COVID-19. Health Canada has requested that we share information about the COVID-19 alert app for all of our school families and staff. Please consider downloading this app.

To view the Health Canada poster, please CLICK HERE.

Dismissal Procedures for Elementary Schools

SEPTEMBER 17, 2020—With almost one week of classes for all students completed, we are grateful for school family cooperation that has helped make student school experiences safe and positive.

As we proceed into the school year, we are refining our school-based procedures, including how we release students at the end of the school day. Although we initially communicated that we required parent permission to release students at 3:22 p.m., this is no longer the case.

In order to minimize students congregating on school grounds, we are allowing students to leave the school property at 3:22 p.m.; however, supervision will be provided until 3:37 p.m. for those students who choose to stay.

This change does not affect students who are transported by bus or light vehicle. 

Please ensure that your children have clear direction from you regarding your family’s after-school plan.  Thanks in advance to all school families for their ongoing support and cooperation.

Ruth Pawson School Year Message

The Pawson Staff is excited for another school year.  The first week of school the staff began to plan for another dynamic school year.  The Big Rocks for Regina Public Schools were the focal point for our planning sessions. 

High expectations for all students

Literacy achievement for all students

Climate of belonging

Authentic engagement for all students and families

Focus on attendance matters

Improvement and success… celebrating what we do well

Improvement of graduation rates and Indigenous students

Throughout the school year we will provide students with engaging activities that promote a culture for learning and a place where they long to be.  In order for this to happen we need our students to be at school. 

To encourage student attendance, the staff prepared a video that demonstrates a group of adults who care about their students and want them to come to school.  We want our students to know, they matter to us, we want to see their smiling faces each day, and we are invested in their learning.  If they attend they will achieve!